I have read your book ‘Reiki – A Comprehensive Guide’, with great interest. As an academic, though not in the medical field, I need to acquaint myself with as many facts that I can find when a subject gets my interest. I first heard about your book in an interview you did on YouTube. I was moved by your story about how your own illness made you discover the power of Reiki. Also, the story about the AIDS epidemic and how it gave you a chance to work with the hospitals in New York, was both moving and trilling to read. Unfortunately, I was also reminded that Denmark, were I come from, can be a very narrow-minded country when it comes to alternative treatments. It is only a few years back, that acupuncture was acknowledge as a useful treatment that doctors recommend to their patients.
I knew a little about the history of Reiki, before I read your book. But you have a nice way of making the story about the first Reiki Masters come alive. What I enjoyed even more, was your many stories were Reiki has helped people. Especially the story about the father who places his hands on his son while they are laying on the sofa, and the son tells him ‘Dad you hand is vibrating’. That is very close to what my daughter says when she receives Reiki.
Reiki healing is fare from a common treatment here in Denmark. I found healing by a coincidence. 15 years ago, I was diagnoses with Colitis Ulserosa. I was 34 years old and pregnant. After many abdominal operations over the years, I’m now at a place where I need extra fluid and vitamins through a catheter inserted in my chest. Well, one evening, about two years ago I was laying in bed. My daughter was five at the time. She was very attached to me, and deep inside I think she knew how serious my illness was at the time. I had just come home after six-weeks admission to the hospital, and she found it difficult to be parted from me. I slept for many hours, so we quickly developed a habit were we both went to bed early and slept in the same bed. My nights could be very bad with numerus sleeping breaks going to the bathroom. That evening my daughter started coughing. My first thought was ‘oh no, how am I getting through this night if she can’t sleep eighter?’. I placed my right hand on her breast, mostly in despair. She stopped coughing almost instantly. I’m a very rational individual and I told myself that it most have been the heat or just the attention that made her stop. The same thing happened for several nights without me wondering about the cause. One day not long after, my son was down with the flue. He sat in his room with a high fever trying to watch a movie. I came in and placed my left hand on his braw just to note if he still had a fever. He was both warm and damp. He didn’t say anything and without thinking I placed my right hand at the back of his head. I stood there for about a minute, just looking out of the window. Suddenly he moved a little and I removed my hands. He started talking about something in school. He got up from his chair and I listened with interest. We went into the dining room while he went on with his story. For a few minutes I forgot that he was sick. We were just laughing and having a great time. My son can be a real comedian at times and good at catching an audience. Suddenly I looked into his eyes and was reminded how they looked a few minutes earlier. I asked him how he felt, and he said that he felt, not just fine, but great. That was when I Googled ‘healing’, and Reiki entered my life.
Denmark was still suffering from the COVID-19 epidemic when all this happened. The country was in lockdown, but I found an online course and began practicing Reiki. I practiced on myself and went on with the tomato plants on my terrasse.
Today I practice on my two children, a friend of mine and her daughter. To be quite honest, I feel like a fraud. I was ‘initiated’ online because of Covid. I was probably a little desperate at the time, but my only interest was to preform Reiki on myself and my children.
You write in your book that it’s important to connect with the Reiki Master who is going to initiate you. There was of course nothing personal about the ‘initiation’ I received. I also know nothing about the few Reiki Masters that we have in Denmark. It is my hope that you would consider initiating me. Perhaps it’s because you started out as a patient like me. You sound both humble and grateful for Reiki. I have noticed that you view Reiki as a complementary therapy. I like that description of Reiki. It tells me that you don’t view it as a fixer treatment. Viewing Reiki as a very good supplement to all the different treatment we as patients receive, sounds like the right state of mind.
As I mentioned, I have a catheter. I don’t have to patch it up and clean it with sterile gloves, like most patients. I clean around the insertion site, and it works fine. I practice Reki healing on myself every day for about one and a half hour. So far, I haven’t experienced any problems with it. It is a small thing and not a cure for my illness, but it is certainly a great help and gives me so much freedom. That is just one of the ways in which Reiki helps me. I could go on and on, but this is already a very long letter.
I would like to receive Reiki from you and can see that you offer five sessions on your website. Perhaps once you have been acquainted with me, you would consider initiating me?
Once again Thank You for your wonderful book.
Warm regards,
Sofie Aaberg Lundqvist
Lindy Brook Tweed says:
Dear Pamela, I’ve joined you for a few ‘I Love Myself ‘ Reiki sessions now and would like to say how much I appreciate your gift to so many people throughout the world. I’ve been practising Reiki for many years now and find it so helpful in my life – nothing dramatic but a gentle support giving me confidence and strength to support myself and my family. We’ve been through many ups and downs over the years. One thing though is sleep. For many years I often wake up at 3 am and can’t get back to sleep for 1 or 2 hours.
I’ve joined up for your Sleep Challenge so I’m looking forward to it very much. Sadly for the first 2 sessions I won’t be able to join live but will look forward to the replay and should be able to join you for Friday’s session on my computer. Thank you again for your generosity in offering this and for your time.
I send a donation when I can and mention your sessions to friends and family quite regularly.
With love and Best wishes, Lindy ( Hove, UK )
Dear Pamela Miles,
I have read your book ‘Reiki – A Comprehensive Guide’, with great interest. As an academic, though not in the medical field, I need to acquaint myself with as many facts that I can find when a subject gets my interest. I first heard about your book in an interview you did on YouTube. I was moved by your story about how your own illness made you discover the power of Reiki. Also, the story about the AIDS epidemic and how it gave you a chance to work with the hospitals in New York, was both moving and trilling to read. Unfortunately, I was also reminded that Denmark, were I come from, can be a very narrow-minded country when it comes to alternative treatments. It is only a few years back, that acupuncture was acknowledge as a useful treatment that doctors recommend to their patients.
I knew a little about the history of Reiki, before I read your book. But you have a nice way of making the story about the first Reiki Masters come alive. What I enjoyed even more, was your many stories were Reiki has helped people. Especially the story about the father who places his hands on his son while they are laying on the sofa, and the son tells him ‘Dad you hand is vibrating’. That is very close to what my daughter says when she receives Reiki.
Reiki healing is fare from a common treatment here in Denmark. I found healing by a coincidence. 15 years ago, I was diagnoses with Colitis Ulserosa. I was 34 years old and pregnant. After many abdominal operations over the years, I’m now at a place where I need extra fluid and vitamins through a catheter inserted in my chest. Well, one evening, about two years ago I was laying in bed. My daughter was five at the time. She was very attached to me, and deep inside I think she knew how serious my illness was at the time. I had just come home after six-weeks admission to the hospital, and she found it difficult to be parted from me. I slept for many hours, so we quickly developed a habit were we both went to bed early and slept in the same bed. My nights could be very bad with numerus sleeping breaks going to the bathroom. That evening my daughter started coughing. My first thought was ‘oh no, how am I getting through this night if she can’t sleep eighter?’. I placed my right hand on her breast, mostly in despair. She stopped coughing almost instantly. I’m a very rational individual and I told myself that it most have been the heat or just the attention that made her stop. The same thing happened for several nights without me wondering about the cause. One day not long after, my son was down with the flue. He sat in his room with a high fever trying to watch a movie. I came in and placed my left hand on his braw just to note if he still had a fever. He was both warm and damp. He didn’t say anything and without thinking I placed my right hand at the back of his head. I stood there for about a minute, just looking out of the window. Suddenly he moved a little and I removed my hands. He started talking about something in school. He got up from his chair and I listened with interest. We went into the dining room while he went on with his story. For a few minutes I forgot that he was sick. We were just laughing and having a great time. My son can be a real comedian at times and good at catching an audience. Suddenly I looked into his eyes and was reminded how they looked a few minutes earlier. I asked him how he felt, and he said that he felt, not just fine, but great. That was when I Googled ‘healing’, and Reiki entered my life.
Denmark was still suffering from the COVID-19 epidemic when all this happened. The country was in lockdown, but I found an online course and began practicing Reiki. I practiced on myself and went on with the tomato plants on my terrasse.
Today I practice on my two children, a friend of mine and her daughter. To be quite honest, I feel like a fraud. I was ‘initiated’ online because of Covid. I was probably a little desperate at the time, but my only interest was to preform Reiki on myself and my children.
You write in your book that it’s important to connect with the Reiki Master who is going to initiate you. There was of course nothing personal about the ‘initiation’ I received. I also know nothing about the few Reiki Masters that we have in Denmark. It is my hope that you would consider initiating me. Perhaps it’s because you started out as a patient like me. You sound both humble and grateful for Reiki. I have noticed that you view Reiki as a complementary therapy. I like that description of Reiki. It tells me that you don’t view it as a fixer treatment. Viewing Reiki as a very good supplement to all the different treatment we as patients receive, sounds like the right state of mind.
As I mentioned, I have a catheter. I don’t have to patch it up and clean it with sterile gloves, like most patients. I clean around the insertion site, and it works fine. I practice Reki healing on myself every day for about one and a half hour. So far, I haven’t experienced any problems with it. It is a small thing and not a cure for my illness, but it is certainly a great help and gives me so much freedom. That is just one of the ways in which Reiki helps me. I could go on and on, but this is already a very long letter.
I would like to receive Reiki from you and can see that you offer five sessions on your website. Perhaps once you have been acquainted with me, you would consider initiating me?
Once again Thank You for your wonderful book.
Warm regards,
Sofie Aaberg Lundqvist
Dear Pamela, I’ve joined you for a few ‘I Love Myself ‘ Reiki sessions now and would like to say how much I appreciate your gift to so many people throughout the world. I’ve been practising Reiki for many years now and find it so helpful in my life – nothing dramatic but a gentle support giving me confidence and strength to support myself and my family. We’ve been through many ups and downs over the years. One thing though is sleep. For many years I often wake up at 3 am and can’t get back to sleep for 1 or 2 hours.
I’ve joined up for your Sleep Challenge so I’m looking forward to it very much. Sadly for the first 2 sessions I won’t be able to join live but will look forward to the replay and should be able to join you for Friday’s session on my computer. Thank you again for your generosity in offering this and for your time.
I send a donation when I can and mention your sessions to friends and family quite regularly.
With love and Best wishes, Lindy ( Hove, UK )