Welcome to the formatting page.
These are the style guidelines and design elements that you have available as the author and artist of pamelamiles.com.
To see how these design elements are created, click Edit Page while logged in and view in Text mode.
Color Palette
The six main colors are used on this site are:
- Black – #1e1e1e (30,30,30) – headings
- Teal – #60a990 (96,169,144) – action color, links, calls-to-action
- Dark Grey – #5a5a5a (90,90,90) – text
- Grey – #cccccc (187,187,187) – meta text
- Light Grey – #eeeeee (238,238,238) – accent background
- White – #ffffff (255,255,255) – background
The body and logo font used on this site is Open Sans.
The heading font is Open Sans Condensed.
The fonts are rendered by Adobe Edge Web Fonts.
Post Images
The optimal size for a post image is 1500 pixels wide by 450 pixels high. The CSS will re-size the image appropriately.
In-Content Images
The optimal size for all in-content images is at least 900 pixels wide. The CSS will re-size the images to 100% of the column width.
This is a blockquote. Use blockquotes to style a quote within a post. This is the second line of the blockquote.
You can even include multiple paragraphs within a single blockquote.
Ordered List
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Unordered List
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Short Codes
Using short codes seen here, you can embed buttons, info boxes, special typography, styled lists, columns, dividers, and social sharing buttons.
To maintain the simplicity of the design, only use them to create columns, info boxes, dividers, and, on occasion, sharing options.
Info Boxes
This is a normal box
This is an info box
This is a check box
This is a note box
This is a download box
This is an alert box
This is highlighted text
This is a horizontal rule:
Sharing Options
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
H1 tags are restricted to the article headline. Use H2 tags for sub-headlines within the content. If you have a sub-sub-headline, use H3 tags. The others are there just in case you go sub-headline crazy.