Common wisdom tells us: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If the system is functioning, don’t intervene.
But how can we tell if something is broken?
It’s unwise to assume that everything that hurts is broken and needs fixing. There is unavoidable discomfort and pain in life’s cycles, and we’d be in danger without the ability to feel pain.
If not for the pain of feeling the heat, what would keep us from jumping into a mesmerizing fire?
Physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual pain are often part of a natural healing process.
So how do we know if something is broken?
Hearing truth in silence
We have to listen, to find our silent stillness so we can truly hear. Only when we are able to be with pain can we know when to take action, and when to refrain from taking action.
When we are able to be with pain, we can see clearly whether there is anything to be fixed.
When we are not able to be with pain, our attempts to fix that which is not broken or which cannot be fixed, create more pain.
Good intentions are not enough.
Hi. What you’ve written reminds me of something a friend of mine said the first time she had Reiki. She had never told her employer what she was living with (MS, ulcerative colitis, depression) and was battling her way through physical and emotional torment. The day after she had Reiki she told her employer she needed support. She told me that having Reiki had given her the half an hour of brain space she needed to make her decision – she was able to ‘be’ with what she has and to tell others she needed it to be acknowledged. She still has the long term conditions and is working to fix the bits that can be repaired but she’s not hiding from what she has and she gets the support that she needs. You might not be able to fix everything straight off but sometimes you just need a bit of extra energy to get to repair specialist.
Well stated, Sharon. Thank you!
Reiki treatment is such a good beginning. It connects us to our well-being and restores peace of mind. Then we can see the big picture, and recognize what, if anything, there is to do.
Your words on fixing good intentions are healing words to my ears today. in week one I have been experiencing great emotional events and the wisdom inherent n this advice might have been lost on me. Thanks for the wisdom!
Do good intentions need fixing? If intentions are dangerous things why are they called good intentions?
I like this message of be-ing with the situation and the awareness gained from the activity. Be-ing usually means having another word thrust on the tail end of it, another added action or descripitive word, like…. be the light, be the way or be present. When it is allowed to stand alone, or just “BE” I think it is better and your entry has made it very clear why it is better as well as how to put it into perfect practice. Thank You!
Pamela, just a quick note of appreciation for this and all of your posts. Each one a gift 🙂
Christine Egger
Thank you, Karla, for underlining that it is a matter of practice.
It’s almost amusing to think we have to practice being, but if we don’t practice, how can our understanding change our lives?
And thank you, Christine. Many Reiki practitioners want to make a difference in the world, and I hope everyone will stop by your website to find easy ways to do so.
I love your blog and website! I am glad you are in our world…helping and working with people who are ready to open up to their potential…and inner talents…as thru reiki many beautiful people find themselves…their true inner beings….and they blossom into wonderful people. Each one makes a positive contribution to the earth…and thru healing themselves with intent…helps to raise their vibrations which in turn raises the earths vibrations. WE are all going thru so much is so refreshing to know that you are doing all you can to help others thru your positive energy and influence…Reiki is a wonderful modality to help clear and refresh in Mind Body and Spirit!
thankyou for your blog and website!
I too am a reiki/master teacher….and it is my full time profession…i love it!
Thank you so much for your kind comment, Brenda. It’s very gratifying when a colleague finds my work supportive.
Aren’t we fortunate to practice the work we love full time? I hope we are soon joined by many, many others!
Hi Pamela – I am so thankful for you. You’re such an inspiration for people like me. I have only been initiated as a reiki master for a little over 6 months. It’s nice to read information and watch video material from someone who is so seasoned as a practitioner as yourself. I’ve ordered your book and trust I’ll learn and enjoy reading it. I love using reiki and seeing how it can change people’s lives. Peace!
I’m happy to help, Lane. And please keep in mind that you’re the person whose life you can change the most. 🙂