How Are You Managing?

How Are You Managing?

We live in challenging times.

Who would argue? Who doesn’t know someone struggling to manage the details? Maybe you are that someone.

Take heart: challenging times are ripe for practice.

Becoming your own rock

The support created by spiritual practice is never more palpable than in challenging times.

Whatever your chosen practice — meditation, yoga, Reiki, prayer, awareness of the breath, etc. — hold to it now. Be consistent in your effort, even when your effort seems absurdly unequal to the challenges at hand.

If you are steadfast in your practice, it will keep your heart tender, steady, and clear.

Steady practice gives perspective, revealing details and context together in a balanced whole.

Steady practice enables you to sense the timeliness of your participation. It opens the ease to wait when it’s time to wait, and act when it’s time to act, without conflict.

When there is conflict, steady practice helps you recognize that conflict is within the person feeling it, and enables you to explore your inner battlefield, transform your understanding, and heal even festering wounds.

The healing and steadiness you create in your own life is your much needed offering to the world.

In challenging times, the foolish forsake practice, dooming themselves to foolishness without end, while the wise cling to practice.

Pamela Miles shares 50 years of experience with holistic health and spiritual practice.


  1. Ansha says:

    I try to do self treatment everyday, sometimes I have very little time. Sometimes I feel relaxed sometimes confused. I am going through a very rough patch in my life right now. Without reiki I don’tt know how I would have managed

    • Pamela Miles says:

      Ansha, if you feel confused, perhaps you are trying to make sense of your practice experience rather than simply enjoying it. What really matters is how you feel the rest of the day, and how you are sleeping. Any practice is better than no practice, but practicing every day brings the greatest benefit.

  2. Patricia Harte says:

    True enough we are living in challenging times, and I wonder if some of the external conflict increases internal conflict because we pay too much attention to it.
    I have noticed how making the effort at regular practice of prayer and meditation is beginning to help my heart to be more tender in attitude towards others as I try to see us all as souls in need of God’s transformation power as we travel through life on different roads and at differing speeds

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